(Video) Sophrona Executive Message 2018

(Video) Sophrona Executive Message 2018

20:42 29 January in News, Video

Sophrona Executive Message. Plus, what’s now and what’s next!

In this video and Sophrona Executive Message, President Marc-François Bradley reflects on the question that started it all:

Why is it so easy to book an airline ticket, but so difficult to schedule a doctor’s appointment?


After more than a decade of experience, Sophrona is the number one choice for thousands of eye doctors nationwide, processing millions of portal communications each year. As the power behind Patient Portal, Sophrona makes it easier to communicate with patients no matter where they are or from what device they are using.  Likewise, Sophrona’s Referral Portal is a cutting-edge communication technology helping practices grow referrals, schedule patients and better communicate with referring doctors. Our SageBridge API makes it easier for EMR and PM partners to exchange data from the clinic setting with patients.

Drummond Group ONC-ACB Certification

Last year, we completed the heavy lifting for the 2015 certification ahead of the competition. As a demonstration of how Sophrona is committed to your success, we go beyond what is required so that we can help you get an Easy A with MIPS.  We know that understanding MIPS is important to your practice which is why we will continue to share knowledge with you in this area.

What’s Next?

Each year, we continue to innovate with solutions that provide your practice with more functionality. Sophrona is focused on helping you increase patient engagement and profitability.  We look forward to continued shared success in 2018!

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