Case Study: Optimizing The Referring Doctor Experience

Optimizing the Referring Doctor Experience

Boston Eye Group discusses investing in engagement strategy to enhance the relationship with their referring doctors.

Company: Boston Eye Group
Industry: Ophthalmology
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Solution: Sophrona’s Referral Portal

One of the biggest challenges that medical practices face with patient referrals is lack of integration between providers and inconsistent transfer of information. Boston Eye Group wanted to enhance the referral experience for both referring doctors and their patients.


Boston Eye Group partnered with Sophrona to make improvements in the referral process by implementing the Referral Portal to replace inefficient communication with more transparency.


Using Sophrona’s Referral Portal, Boston Eye Group can now offer referring doctors the ability to schedule a referral appointment before their patient leaves the office. The Referral Portal also makes it easier to exchange secure messaging and track patient progress 24/7. These solutions not only provide increased visibility and enhanced collaboration, but also help to better referral management between providers.

Sophrona’s Referral Portal

Referral Portal is helping doctors improve coordination of care through a seamless patient referral process.

To learn about the ROI benefits or to see how the Referral Portal works in a detailed infographic, click below.

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