2015 Edition ONC-ACB Certification
Sophrona’s Patient Portal Technology Receives 2015 Edition ONC-ACB Certification
As a leader in online patient communication technology, we are pleased to announce that our Sophrona e2015 Portal Technology has been tested and achieved 2015 Edition Health IT Module ONC-ACB Certification.
“We are very proud of all our team has accomplished to reach this important milestone.” says Kathy Papp, Director of Information Technology at Sophrona. “This has been a huge investment for Sophrona and we are so thankful to our team and partners for this success.”
2015 Edition ONC-ACB Certification Completed by Drummond Group
Certification was completed via Drummond Group LLC, an Authorized Certification Body (ACB) that has been empowered to test software for compliance with the requirements of the federal government’s program.
The stamp of approval designates that Sophrona’s software offers the functionality that enables eligible providers and hospitals to meet Meaningful Use requirements, qualifying these organizations to receive payments under the ongoing EHR adoption program.
“This is a big deal. Completing certification ahead of much of the competition is another mark of Sophrona’s commitment to leadership in our space and to our clients,” commented Marc-François Bradley, president and CEO of Sophrona Solutions.
“Sophrona e2015 Portal Technology is aimed squarely at Sophrona’s mission to help clients easily get the highest possible MIPS score.”
What does 2015 Edition ONC-ACB Certification mean?
According to the Nov. 2, 2017 final CMS ruling, providers are encouraged to use 2015 CEHRT in 2018 and by doing so are eligible for a bonus.
Sophrona e2015 Portal Technology Version R10.5 is 2015 Edition compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These certifications do not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Sophrona e2015 Portal Technology Version R10.5
Certified 11/8/2017
Certificate No.
Modules Certified 170.315 (a)(13); (d)(1-3, 5-7, 9); (e)(1-3); (g)(1, 4-9)
Disclosure Statement
These certified Health I.T. Modules require use of an ONC-ABC certified and Sophrona-qualified EMR, purchased separately. They are offered in pricing packages which may require initial, ongoing monthly, or per transaction costs to establish and maintain interfaces, license, operate, and support software for online patient services, and may require a contractual commitment of up to 3 years. Other than requiring internet connectivity, there are no technical limitations (170.314.e.1)