Referral Portal

Evaluating Your Technology Stack Regularly

Evaluating Your Technology Stack

01:40 27 March in News, Partnership, Practice Solutions, Referral Portal, Think with Sophrona by Sophrona Management

Keep what works. Get rid of what doesn't. Easier said than done sometimes, we know. Evaluating your technology stack and taking a closer look at what is useful may feel cumbersome. Maintaining the right partners can help. 4-minute read As we continue to navigate the rapidly changing technology landscape,...

How To Address a Staffing Shortage with Automation

02:12 10 February in News, Practice Solutions, Referral Portal, Think with Sophrona by Sophrona Management

Is your staffing shortage top of mind? Automation can help. When your practice is experiencing a staffing shortage, how do you keep doctor schedules full and appointments up? Automation can help. 2-minute read According to 2022 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, health services was a clear frontrunner...

Patient and nurse conversing over a tablet with text that says Engaging Referring Practices: Referral Portal at Virginia Eye Center

Engaging Referring Practices with the Referral Portal

00:30 18 August in Referral Portal, Think with Sophrona, Video by Sophrona Management

Engaging Referring Practices with the Referral Portal Kristina Slattery, Senior Account Manager at Sophrona, recently talked shop with Joshua Hammond. As the previous Administrator at Virginia Beach Eye Center, P.C., now Virginia Eye Consultants, a partner of CVP Physicians, Josh was responsible for implementing the Referral...