
Revolutionizing Referral Management

Referral Management at Panorama Eyecare

17:06 20 January in News, Referral Portal, Think with Sophrona by Sophrona Management

How Panorama Eyecare Improved Referral Efficiency with Sophrona For medical practices, efficient referral management isn’t just a convenience—it’s a necessity. When scheduling delays occur, patients may experience interruptions in care, frustration increases, and referral relationships can suffer. Panorama Eyecare, a physician-led management services organization, recognized these...

Streamlining Referrals: Referral Portal for Healthcare Practices. Doctor holding tablet is shown against a green background.

Streamlining Referrals: Patient Referrals Scheduled Faster

12:32 29 August in News, Practice Solutions, Referral Portal, Think with Sophrona, Video by Sophrona Management

In today’s fast-paced healthcare environment, efficiency and communication are paramount. Yet, many practices still primarily rely on fax, phone, or even email to manage patient referrals. These outdated systems often result in patients getting lost in the shuffle. Referring doctors are left in the dark and...

Sophrona | Refractive Pearl with SHARPEVISION & ASCRS 2024 Insights

Refractive Pearl with SHARPEVISION & ASCRS Insights

11:38 25 April in ASCRS, Events, News, Partnership, Practice Solutions, Referral Portal, Think with Sophrona by Sophrona Management

Post ASCRS 2024 & Outliers Ophthalmology Insights As the curtains closed on ASCRS 2024, we were filled with gratitude for the opportunity to connect with esteemed practices and industry leaders. Over the course of the event, we engaged in insightful discussions about the current state and...

Sophrona | How To Create a Successful Co-Management Network

How To Create A Successful Co-Management Network

01:45 24 March in News, Practice Solutions, Referral Portal, Think with Sophrona, Video by Sophrona Management

How To Create A Successful Co-Management Network Sophrona President, Marc-François Bradley, recently sat down with Guido Piquet, Chief Operating Officer at Mann Eye Institute, to discuss how to create a successful co-management network. Mann Eye Institute is a leading eye care practice with seventeen locations in Houston,...